Spss Code New Variable
spss code new variable

Spss Code New Variable How To Convert Several

We will recode the AGE variable so that a new variable will be created.As you can see below, SPSS has created a new variable called RandomNumbers, and filled it with random numbers, each with a value between 0 and 100. This will generate the below variables in the data set:The following SPSS command syntax examples show you how to convert several types of non-date formatted variables into date formatted variables.This book takes you through the basic operations of SPSS with some dummy data. To call the macro, you do so as follows:Parse VarZipCodes Stemzips Del' '. Del : tells SPSS what to use as the delimiter. Stemzips: tells the macro what to begin the name of each new variable. VarZipCodes: tells it what variable is the haystack it should search.

How can you turn this into a mm/dd/yy format?*Computes the year, day, and month from the string variable.COMPUTE year=number(SUBSTR(string(v1,F8),7,2),F2).COMPUTE day=number(SUBSTR(string(v1,F8),5,2),F2).COMPUTE month=number(SUBSTR(string(v1,F8),3,2),F2).*Saves the data file and drops the original variable along with the year, day, and month *variable.SAVE OUTFILE='dum.sav' / DROP=v1 year day month.*3) You have two date fields, an entrance and an exit date. You had a date field that appears as a *number in the SPSS Data Editor window. Your date value is read in as a string.*How can you convert the string into a mm/dd/yy format?*2) You imported a file from another program into SPSS. Therefore, if both.*1) You imported a data file from Excel to SPSS.

How can you get it into MOYR6 format?*Creates 2 string variables for month and year, converts them to numeric and creates the new *variable in the desires format.COMPUTE newdate = DATE.MOYR(month1,year1).*Computes a variable for month, day, and year.*8) You have a date in ADATE8 format that you would like to convert to a string (A8) format as *YYYYMMDD. How can you figure out the age in *years from today's date?*Computes today's date and then subtracts the birthday from today's date.COMPUTE AGE=(CTIME.DAYS(TODAY-v1))/365.25.*6) you have a date as a string with month and year. You would like to add the *number of days to the date variable to produce a new date variable.*5) You have a date variable that represents a birth date. The numeric variable *represents a number of days and can be different for each case. What is *going on and how do you fix it?DATA LIST Free/enter (adate8) exit (adate8).*Computes the difference between the two dates.*Converts the variable to number of days.*or you can just do this instead of taking the difference:*4) In your data set, you have a date variable and numeric variable. When you subtract the two, you get a really strange number.

...spss code new variablespss code new variable